Saturday, May 15, 2010

Pine Ridge Falls

I rolled out of bed about 7 and headed out for Clark's Creek area intending to go to Pine Ridge Falls and Josiah Falls. I got to the first falls - Pine Ridge - while the light was still good so the pictures turned out pretty well. Like most of the falls in the area this one has quite a bit of clutter in the form of downed timber, leaves, sticks, etc. gather aroound the top and the base. It really makes composing a picture that eliminates the clutter a challenge.

About 1.5 miles round trip, each way with less than 200ft in elevation gain, only one creek crossing, all in all it was a really easy hike.

Pine Ridge Falls (25ft high)
36 deg 07.211N 82 deg 32.238W, 2022ft

I've read that Josiah Falls is located about .5 miles upstream Pine Ridge Falls. The only way to get there is to scale the right side of Pine Rodge Falls. Well it rained the night before so the rock face to be climbed was wetter and more slippery than normal. So once I surveyed the situation and compared the pleasure of getting to Josiah Falls against potentially falling and crashing and breaking something - like my face or my camera - I decided to wait for a drier day to give Josiah a go.

I was able to snap a few pictures of some more wildflowers, there are some nice patches of trillium that had already blloomed out, bummer, it's just getting too late for spring flowers to be blooming en masse, oh well, there's always next year.

To get there from the intersection of SR81 and SR107, go west on SR107 toward Greeneville for 5 miles. Turn left on Clark's Creek Road and drive a total of 3.3 miles - the last 1.9 will be gravel. Park in the turnout on the left and locate the brown sign that marks the trailhead for "Longarm Branch Trail". After .5 miles there's an easy creek crossing; once across, the trail will fork, stay left and the falls are about .25 miles ahead.

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