Friday, November 15, 2013


The Norfolk Heritage engine 8105 (Interstate) - affectionately called 'the creamsicle' (or the orangesicle) because of the cream-over-orange paint scheme - came back through Johnson City that evening on the 22A. It was leading 22A through here last Sunday but it was delayed in Radford and got here over two hours late, which meant it was way after dark. I just don't have the skillz and/or tools to take pictures of fast moving trains in the dark. So I missed it.

It came back as the DPU on 23G on Wednesday morning, but I missed it again, by only 5 minutes. When I heard that it was coming back this evening I figured I had a reasonable shot at it, but then the rains came ...

I heard the call for it to leave Piney Flats and made the trip to downtown JC anyway. It was about 5:45 when I rolled through - I made it with five minutes to spare. I grabbed the umbrella and worked out a way to hold the umbrella with one arm while leaving both hands free to work the camera. It's not great camera work but it's proof that I saw it!

Here's what I ended up with after some serious massaging with LR4.

NS Heritage 8105 - Interstate in Downtown Johnson City
NS Heritage 8105 - Interstate in Downtown Johnson City

6 Down ... 14 to go ... bring it!

#1 1069 Virginian
#2 8098 Conrail
#3 8104 Lehigh Valley
#4 1073 Penn Central
#5 8100 Nickel Plate Road
#6 8105 Interstate

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